Another thing that helps, imo, is incorporating & inviting feedback. Some makers do this by asking what ink colours to use for dice or what colour mica powders to use for resin or some other variation of that when making stuff. I find that invites me to participate other than just showing up and
2. I do want to do more process videos but I always run into the issue of just wanting to make stuff and video chronicling it all always slows me way down and never turns out as nice as I hope when I do do it.
I’ve thrown out several videos that just weren’t good
I have to be a maker, a product photographer, a videographer, a marketer, a website designer and manager.
Part of the reason I’m behind on updating my site is because taking and processing photos is a weak spot of mine.
Not trying to make excuses either, just it is a weak spot of mine unfortunately.
I’ll try to work on it more. It is good advice, I just struggle
I am happy to help you try and figure some stuff out more directly if you want.
One thing I think can help is reducing the toil of those weak points. So have a setup that can either be a clear