the painter
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this is pawsome i feel like i rarely see these fellas in such a diff style like yours
Thank you!! I strongly identify with these characters in a way that I think a lot of myself comes through when I draw them
Heya TBP!

Wanted to letcha know this piece (and your Smells Like Sunshine piece) were nominated for my server's Pic of the Week!

We took a look at both on stream today

Would love to send ya the VOD on what we had to say about em!

Feel free to DM me :0!
I like to think the painting on the right is what the character on the left is drawing ;w;
Fantastic as always 💜
It is!!
I am unfamiliar with the image on the left, but the image on the right is a great take on the 'Last Of The Mohicans' album by Bow Wow Wow. The controversy arose from the girl's being only 14 at the time.
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I've seen in painting in an art history class. I got this reference.


you forgot the bird.
yeah I forgot a few things lol. I always regret posting too early before ive worked out all of the issues with a piece
Too real.
funny how making it a cartoon makes the triangular composition more apparent.
d00d theyre literaally luncheon on the grass hehe siick so cool seeing that in ur style
hehehe ty! <3. it was actually kinda educational to study his painting like that.
i forgot why the original of the painting on the right was so controversial...
Why is Ralsei naked? 😶
(And what’s the name of the og painting? I don’t get the reference)