Military people have families, kids etc they want a democracy for them to live in, not a Putinesque dictatorship. Soldiers died in WW2 to protect our democracy for us. So what the fuck does taking an oath to the Constitution mean to them if their allegiance is to a felon. If so, they w/b traitors.
Agree, however, it is easy for us to look in from the outside and state what we hope they would/will do. It is another thing all together to stand (possibly alone) against orders that will get you court martialed. Major respect to our soldiers who stand for right!
And there in lies part of the problem
They are taught to follow orders, and questioning them is discouraged. If FORUS contradicts their immediate commander, who do you think they'll follow? Do the math. I didn't enlist because I question everything and will not follow blindly.
It's first the higher ups that would have to be convinced, and that's a much taller order. My experience with more senior career military is that they take their oath incredibly seriously and would not follow nor give an unlawful order. I hope I'm right.
They are supposed to be loyal to the Constitution and defend against threats, both foreign and domestic. Will that oath matter when the support FOTUS? Quite probably not.
I (state your full name), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of Second Lieutenant, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will
I am a retiree now, but I have faith in our service members. Time and again, regardless of race, political affiliation, gender, it doesn't matter. Service people stick together. They may not even like the results but they will serve their superior officers and the constitution faithfully.
While I am not military, I come from a long line of military people. I'm not as optimistic as you. I believe that if the military does get involved, they will be hugely divided and compromised, just like during the Civil War, pitting family members against each other.
What I'm on the lookout for, is the firing of career generals, creation of loyalist units, loyalty oaths, and possibly even the incorporation of some paramilitary organizations within our military. So service members can no longer trust who will snitch on them for talking about dear leader.
will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God.
Not everyone will. Sometimes people seem to play along until they are positioned to do good things. When I see otherwise liberal people participating with fascists, I always hope it's so they can infiltrate and be closer to understanding their motives.
2/For example, right now, I feel like there is a secret agenda that most of us aren't privy to, and this is intended to be a government for and by the people. Right now, we have people acting as if they must care for us and show us what is right.
You are correct. Our oath is to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign or domestic. We also swear to obey the President, but we are also taught the difference between lawful and unlawful orders.
fingers crossed…. which is ridiculous to have to hope that there is some defense left of our entire government way of life democracy itself in the united states.
Me too. I believe people who have told me all my life or all of theirs that they love me and if Trump or one of his cronies came in and shot me dead they would end up blaming me or just make more excuses of why he was right to do it.
Steaming mad about this. Not his grandma’s affected, but have a great relationship with the seller over there who sells high-quality plastic parts I use for modeling at the fraction of the price I would pay here.
Sorry, typo not just grandmas are affected… and OK so it’s just a hobby that helps me relax, but I have PTSD and am unemployed so it’s kind of a big deal. The bigger issue is the govt is restricting our mail and relations with others. My relationship with China is perfectly fine without uncle Sam.
They might not feel as inclined to support Commander-in-Chief Bone Spurs von Schitzenpants when he tries to send them into Gaza to help Netanyahoooo with his genocide.
I can't believe upper level are Trumpers. He pisses on anything any "honorable" military spent their entire life building. It's the guys that didn't make it or "served" 4 years and it was their highlight (like the people who peaked on h.s.) who seem to be the ultra-wacko.
Oh, I know. The older ones have spent decades immersed in Fox and talk radio. My dad would have been one if he hadn't died in 2014. It goes against everything he taught me, too. It's infuriating AND sad.
That is until they realize how it will affect them. I've heard rumblings of a forced draft 18 to 40 yrs. They maybe the ones going to Gaza for Trumps real estate development.
Saw on twitter yesterday that the muskrats were in the VA systems too…if true & they start f’ing up veterans’ benefits I imagine that would affect how a lot of active duty people feel too since they will be veterans at some point
They are taught to follow orders, and questioning them is discouraged. If FORUS contradicts their immediate commander, who do you think they'll follow? Do the math. I didn't enlist because I question everything and will not follow blindly.
MAGA military are super cult dipshits.
I’m not there, in Australia, and can’t help but I keep watching and try to stay informed, ready for when it ripples out to the rest of us.
We’re all with you. Stay strong
I wish I could help, all I can do is let you know the world stands with you. Stay strong.