Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Climate is coming for all of us.
Climate is coming for all of us.
Absolutley maybe since people don't care this will be our destruction instead of Donald Dumpf
Fear monger
Must suck loving your life in fear every day
Mask up bro
(“Afford.” Hmmm… The word makes a mockery of industry. Only the roaches will be left to eat the money.)
Stunning - You just couldn't make it up 🥴
My mother always says "One day this world is gonna shake us all off" but we seem to be doing a pretty good job of it ourselves.
Also, survival is not the same as thriving.
You can models do whatever you want them to do. #FearMonger
You can test my hypothesis by Googling "Vostock Ice Cores" and looking at the graph.
The typical temperature this time of year is the low 50's where I live. It was 75 three days ago.