I have voted NDP, Liberal, Progressive Conservative, and to my eternal shame ... the Reform Party.
This time it is Liberal all the way. Little pp is MAGA North. We can see what Trump is doing to the states. We don't want that happening in Canada.
That was my point. Nothing to do with a-hole PP, but Canadian patriotism stems from usually voting what's best for country or sometimes the leader representing us (ie Kim Campbell was a disaster). Prairies not always conservative either (AB was actually NDP last session as was SK 2 terms ago).
Not entirely true. It happens to be the party PP represents. The values they say they represent. Anything right of the liberal party is unacceptable to my values since I was old enough to read. PP just happens to be the mouthpiece at the moment. Harper was no different. It's the party.
So you switch between NDP and Liberal. I've switched between Conservatives (very long time ago) and Liberals (but if Libs elected an idiot, the choice for me is difficult). First Trudeau was very popular, but his new tax credit policies (for the wealthy) put us into era of large deficits.
Canada's debt rose from $262B to $700B during Pierre years. I don't disagree with deficit financing when needed; at that time of high inflation it was the right thing to do. Most don't understand how popular the tax credits were for wealthy to reduce taxes & the deficit impact from less revenue.
The Scientific Tax Credits and other tax incentives introduced during Pierre Trudeau era are widely acknowledged as creating the deficit versus surpluses prior to him. Rae days killed Ontario when NDP elected. Dion and Ignatieff were 2 Liberal leaders I could not support.
This time it is Liberal all the way. Little pp is MAGA North. We can see what Trump is doing to the states. We don't want that happening in Canada.