I played Gen 1 - Gen 3 as a kid and Starmie was my favourite, yet for some reason, it's the Gen 4 sprite that evokes a nostalgia in my soul that very little else can match
Pikachu from FRLG and Charmander from DPPT have to be tied for mine. Honorable mentions go to literally any sprite that was drawn as if it's in the middle of an action - Bulbasaur, Vaporeon, Mime Jr (DPPT), etc
I can remember the first time i encountered this Pokémon and sprite i was like, OMG, this is amazing, but i already had six man team. So, i grinded leveling like 100 of them. #CoreMemory
Tentacruel looks like one of those angry cartoon reviewer avatars, giving out a rant on some kind of kids show (But he's like an adult critiquing a show made for kids lol)
it's a good in-between art style from red/blue to gold/silver/crystal.