Privilege - private law. Those special people. Grr. Of course, I'm one to talk: as a very experienced, highly specialized computer programmer I'm generally exempt from things like this. I had a NY company who insisted, but that's once in 30 years. I've only had it in contract maybe twice.
Its been a long time since I've had to do it, my company only used to do it at time of hire, but we were purchased by a larger company that does randoms
If you test +, you run the risk of never getting ahead in your field. I had a case where an employee had a + test result that the employer knew was false. They fired them anyway.
I'm just trying to help. I hope you get as far as you want to go!
It's so dumb. Also, not remotely the point, but I just do computer stuff. No safety concerns, just my job being fuckin nosy. The safety argument is crap anyway, I've had coworkers pass out from alcohol on the job, drug tests didn't prevent that from happening
My point was more that addicts are going to get themselves in trouble whether there are random tests or not. But now I'm thinking it is weird that they test for pcp, but don't have us also do a breathalyzer or something. Never even thought of that
No need to apologize, you just gave me another point to consider in how bullshit this whole practice is. They don't even look to see if we're abusing the main substance we've had problems with in the past on the clock, just check to make sure we didn't get into meth on our vacation
*gets fired*
Did they make you sign new contracts? Not that it matters, though.
I'm just trying to help. I hope you get as far as you want to go!
I worked in hospitals all through undergrad.