Four years ago, 147 lawless cowards inscribed their names on the wrong side of history. 12 of them voted to disenfranchise millions of their _own_ constituents based on a lie (but never questioned their _own_ elections).
110 of them are still in Congress.
Remember their names.
110 of them are still in Congress.
Remember their names.
They are a shit stain on this nation.
Read the transcripts. Watch the proceedings. Never forget.
- Dan Bishop, potential Deputy Director of OMB
- Billy Long, potential Commissioner of the IRS
- Lee Zeldin, potential Administrator of the EPA
If the "wrong" votes don't count, the "right" votes don't really count either, except as flimsy cover.
But it's hard to get people to see that - or care - if "their side" "wins".
Following that dark day, the US Supreme Court’s Trump majority granted this traitor TOTAL IMMUNITY in a 6-3 vote.
147 + 57 + 6 = 210 TRAITORS