everytime someone talks about how Windows 11 is "fine" and doesn't understand why everyone is freaking out and then I go and read instructions for how to skip Microsoft Account Creation or turn off Copilot that read like instructions for cracking a game from 2009.
I ended up going over to Linux and I've been a consistent Linux user for one year and four months now.
Windows 11 is the straw that broke the camel's back for me.
I'm just trying to find a goddamn file on my PC not sign up for shit. Piss off.
Just changing the default audio input device is like 4 menus
Move the taskbar to the left
Remove copilot from the taskbar
Turn off news in taskbar
IT always leave it "stock" and I hate it enough to change it, and no one has ever changed it back.
I have so many problems between Windows 11 at work vs my trusty Windows 10 gaming rig.