Cool video! I think the 'Curio Collection' brand is given to vintage/classic hotels that still maintain old items like that elevator, mailbox, etc. I always enjoy seeing an old mailbox or grand staircase from the bygone era in a hotel. The seats on the train look nice!
Having watched at least two of your MCU (Miles Cinematic Unverse) long cuts, the diner videos, I gotta say I love the long foam and short foam equally!
i like long 2-3 hour videos with a lot going on, i loved the LA buses video and the trolleybus video, but i think for a normal trip report or least used station 20-30 minutes is the sweet spot (or maybe even up to an hour if there’s a lot more happening)
Can’t complain about having more content to enjoy, but I understand they take much more work to make. Either way, I’m sure all of us would be happy with whatever you put out
True, although there wasn't much content to begin with there! I'm also shocked that it still managed to be longer than my Cardinal video, although it's kinda nuts that that one's only 10 minutes.
This seems to be something that happens to every YouTuber over time. I think there's an element of people better learning how to make videos that makes them increase in length - like how it becomes easier to write long papers after you've written a few
I guess the appeal of short videos is one of aesthetics and brevity! But cutting long videos into shorter ones just leads to diminishing returns on subsequent parts, I've found (unless it's a Great Race or something where cutting it into parts makes thematic sense).
Yeah, that's the logic I go by for wanting them to be as short as I can make them! But my rule is usually to make the video as short as possible while keeping all the stuff I think is funny in it.
One can only set aside an hour to watch a video about the DC streetcar network only so often