Puppy Updated MAL Edition (Long Post):
1. My MAL was an interesting one, I give it a 6/10, I know is a low scoring but my experience was mostly ok. I didn't do much at the mosh play, my anxiety went to the roof with so many, many hoomans and pups around...
1. My MAL was an interesting one, I give it a 6/10, I know is a low scoring but my experience was mostly ok. I didn't do much at the mosh play, my anxiety went to the roof with so many, many hoomans and pups around...
The sexual activities were also 6/10...
Sex Record was:
Friday - 1/0 cum (last one was my fault)
Saturday - 2/2 cum
Sunday - 4/4 cum
1 Orgy (Although I was just fucking 1)
Honestly I can't complain, it took a while to find it but, other than that, I think I did a good job.
My best part was the shopping, for the first time I was able to spend like crazy without worrying, and still have some money in my pocket. Happy with my new Wolfgang MistrBear Version. Shopping 9/10. Would love to see more options, but not too bad.
2. Next Wolfgang big events are NYC Unleashed and IPTC. January plans are done, nothing special, simple Hooman birthday, probably be at Rockbar for that. February: 14th to 16th - Providence, RI (RILE social), 21st to 24th, Puerto Rico (Friends and Family visit)...
Other Plans:
Providence Pride
Folsom East (Sunday only)
NYC Pride
Dore Alley
Folsom Street Fair
Unleashed Future Events
Orlando Pride*
Random Ones:
San Francisco
*In consideration or planning.