A message to the American criminal leader. Transport trucks were stopped at the Canadian Alberta border. They had millions of dollars worth of drugs on them. Take note. Coming out of America into Canada. 🇨🇦. You better do something about YOUR borders. You are endangering Canadians. 🇨🇦
I know nothing!
If they have a fentanyl problem, it's their border security that's supposed to stop it, not ours.
wait what that's not right
Maybe we can recruit a couple thousand beavers to just build a really, really big dam all along the border.
*of course I know PMJT resigned, unlike Donny Dotard the Bumbling Manchild
coming into your Country will be available to
many people.The determined drug dealers on
both sides of Borders are a danger to all of us.
Not enough people want to Work on any border.
That is a big problem.
https://T.is insane. Your Country is yours.🇨🇦☮️