Optimist: The cup is half full
Pessimist: The cup is half empty
Pediatric nephrologist: The number of cups you should drink varies based on your ability to produce urine
Pessimist: The cup is half empty
Pediatric nephrologist: The number of cups you should drink varies based on your ability to produce urine
Reposted from
Shematologist, MD
Optimist: The cup is half full
Pessimist: The cup is half empty
Pediatric hematologist: Take that cup of milk away from the toddler, he already drank 60 ounces today and his hemoglobin is 2
Pessimist: The cup is half empty
Pediatric hematologist: Take that cup of milk away from the toddler, he already drank 60 ounces today and his hemoglobin is 2