This is about to become a very trying 4 years for many people. It's our hope that some of those who contributed to electing Trump, will realize their error and start making efforts to bring about change. They can't take back what they already did, but they can help shift the course for the future.
UK here. We had a very trying time with Johnson and Truss but finally people saw them for what they are: self serving, incompetent grifters. There is light at the end of the four year tunnel. (Obviously Musk is trying to topple Starmer now but that’s another story!)
Seeing covid didn't take out all of our elderly! Let's put them MORE into "squeezing empty lemons"... and more of our sisters will "die" cause hey... different blood types kind of "scientifically cause miscarriages"... that shit ain't in their bibble :/ he doesn't care!
There’s a third. Those too poor to ever be anything but. They won’t realize they’re worse off because there’s a limit to who he can make feel the wrath.
3rd type - those who will still blame everything on Democrats and continue worshipping 'the prophet.' They will never make any connection between their vote in 2024 and their life in 2025.
Reading The Garden of Beasts, author asks “ why wasn’t anyone trying to stop what everyone knew was going to happen” that’s where I’m at. Why isn’t anyone trying to stop this impending train crash? He may not leave in four years and people who didn’t ask for it will suffer.
He didn’t win the majority, yet the majority will pay. If we know what will happen how can he not be considered an enemy from with in and stopped by the current administration? Is everyone at the helm asleep? What the actual F is happening, smart people help us, wake up.
Expect he will remove portraits of the Obamas if he gets the chance. I worry about his threat towards Michelle Obama after her amazing speech pointing out Trump flaws at a Kamala rally.
After 80 Years Adolf still has his Fanbase, I doubt that hardcore Trump believers will ever admit to, being so wrong and dumb as bread at the same time.
Travel back to the 2016 election, and be me, a younger, less wise person, who voted for Trump. Flash forward to 2019, it comes out that Trump was extorting Ukraine to help his reelection bid. That is when I realized Trump was the monster he is. And I will NEVER support him again. Not my President.
There’s also a third type: those who are so stupid and ignorant they will never understand why they should regret it, and they’ll blame all his failures on someone else.
We must make sure that they do, emphatically.
The hateful racists and the useful idiots
Those who are just sheep and believe anything they are told because they ONLY see a rich man promising them riches too.
Gullible sheep.
Key point: many of those dunderheads voted him in first time and got poorer and then they did it again and still got poorer.