Oralè Resisters
Rumor is he took a dump in his diaper at the Cathedral de Norte Dame and everyone around him couldn’t stand the stench. You should see the video, we have been laughing all week with it! 😝😝
Well….there’s some cool Billionaires, and then there’s Trump (the con man), enabling the idiots he attracts. They’ll use him. My prediction; it won’t last.
The only thing that makes this even bearable is the fact that I know it’s coming. All you need to do is look at the French revolution, the Bolshevik revolution, the American revolution… I could go on, but anybody can pick up a history book
Yup! Another American “Gilded Age” and another “Roaring 20’s” exactly 100 yrs later. We all know what happened at the end of the 1920’s ‘29 to be exact….we’ll if you learned about it in school. In the red states, not so sure
The long game of concentrating wealth and resources (esp the last 60 yrs). If you’re not wealthy, you’re the resource. They don’t care about your race, creed, religion-none of it. Only what you can do for them
Buckley, Beladi and Citizens United has over taken our politicians with Corporate campaign donations. This was planned out as many tactics the GOP has used to gain control. These cases along with Reagan, Bush tax cuts has funneled trillions to the top 10%.
Yup. Typically, people don’t become billionaires if they have high levels of empathy. To have the funds to make millions of lives better, and to instead funnel your money in efforts to gain more personal wealth and profit… almost by definition, billionaire = morally bankrupt.
Rumor is he took a dump in his diaper at the Cathedral de Norte Dame and everyone around him couldn’t stand the stench. You should see the video, we have been laughing all week with it! 😝😝
Making your life better at the cost of others.
There's getting rich for the sake of making everyone's lives better so no-one gets left behind or exploited.
"The top 1% of households in the US control 30% of the country's wealth. This is a rise from 22.8% in 1990"