The Democratic leadership think they're following the dictum, "Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake." But the mistake Trump is making is burning down the houses of Democratic supporters...
Get rid of Chuck and Nancy, they're big with the talk but history shows they have very little concern for anyone but the people who throw millions into their PAC's.
Hakeem is no better! Primary the greedy, egotistical narcissist that keep lying to your face.
Then you might have a chance of winning.
…We’re still waiting…
Srsly. What the fuck, Chuck.
We need fighters, not collaborators.
Bipartisanship died at the hands of Gingrich and Flabby McTurtleface.
MAGA is burning the ships on the beach - there will be nothing to recover from. FIGHT!
Love it
Who is it.
Asking for a perplexed world.
We're laughing, but perplexed.
American politics was really dull...
Until the West Wing.
Bartlett 4 America!
Everyone else might as well have been a hallucination brought about by heat stroke cause they are non existent.
Hakeem is no better! Primary the greedy, egotistical narcissist that keep lying to your face.
Then you might have a chance of winning.