Your saying being Jewish is an ethnicity, ok then, so you are claiiming that a blue-eyed, blonde-hair European is the same ethnicity as a brown-eyed, brown-skinned Ethiopian. You're genuinely trying to say that's a fact?
As for religion. You are also claiming that a country founded on religion..
As for religion. You are also claiming that a country founded on religion..
Are you saying that a 3rd generation child of Ethiopian descent, but may have blue eyes and lighter skin isn’t Ethiopian??
As an atheist I have no time for religion, but I can tell you this, any religion..
So no, it’s not founded on religion.
Hamas is strictly theocratic, based entirely on the tenets of Islam.
So which is the myth? History or Islam?
How were Jews expelled from Palestine when there was a large Jewish population there in the 7th Century CE?
Jews were forced out at different times all over the world, they were Abrahamic religions’ favourite villains 🙄🤦
Esp when the Bible is used to justify that atrocity.
It’s like claiming England is founded on a religion, farcical.
It had nothing to do with the religion, in geopolitical terms. The bizarre view of history you have is just weird frankly.
Try again.
It’s also not a religious state claiming to form a people either! 🙄