You can't use the parks budget to redo your backyard.
You can't use the highway budget to repave your driveway.
You can't use the police budget to hire a personal security guard.
And rich people can't use our public school budget to pay for private school.
Say no to vouchers.
You can't use the highway budget to repave your driveway.
You can't use the police budget to hire a personal security guard.
And rich people can't use our public school budget to pay for private school.
Say no to vouchers.
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
Young, relentless, dedicated, and idealistic in a good way.
Please plan on the march in the mall.
Teaching students, teachers and parents is a
prefect preamble for politics.
When listening to speech on school vouchers was hopeful for the first time in weeks.Bravo
He needs to run for Governor of Texas!
State is ordering closure of elementary schools in my area with No input from parents affected, combines students with nearby schools & no preplanning for logistics.
Its become obvious where this is headed.
Tax $$ are going to private schools with little oversight how they function
Overbudget spending: The ESA program was originally estimated to cost $64 million for the fiscal year, but is now set to reach more than $900 million, significantly over budget.
Thank You