Never mind that, I used to love Germoline in a little (shoe polish) tin. I was so sad when it started only being available in a tube. Health & safety gone mad. ☹️
As for racial diversity, I see your (our) Geordieland and raise you: the Cotswolds. Also you forget the big Yemeni community in Shields.
Heading out soon, so a bump for my first blog in ages - where I tell a low-quality joke, invent a brand new word, and explain (badly) why Gogglebox is the core of English identity.
It's a great article.
I often joke about modern Wales as a place where you can walk into a post office, and behold all ethnicities, nationalities, backgrounds of people, chatting merrily away.
Then they take one look at you. And they all start speaking in Welsh.
As for racial diversity, I see your (our) Geordieland and raise you: the Cotswolds. Also you forget the big Yemeni community in Shields.
I often joke about modern Wales as a place where you can walk into a post office, and behold all ethnicities, nationalities, backgrounds of people, chatting merrily away.
Then they take one look at you. And they all start speaking in Welsh.