They love the drama, the lies, and the cruelty. It excites them, it’s what attracts them. It excites them the people who’ve done bad things are in power. It’s part of sticking it to the ‘establishment’
Agree. I would bet at least 75% of people around me don’t follow or care about politics because nothing impacts them directly. They just agree with whatever their pastor/church says and don’t think past that.
And that is what makes it so dangerous. We are not set up to counter it. Times are different. Verbiage needed to be added to laws/Constitution as times changed. Nobody imagined “this”… yet here we are, ill-equipped to counter the wrecking ball that has taken over the White House.
No, he doesn’t hate who they hate—he doesn’t care. All he cares about is popularity. The more supporters he has, the more empowered he feels. Democrats saw through his veneer of lies, so he targeted Republicans, knowing they were more likely to buy into his facade.
I think fear and hate have been stoked by X, fox, etc. They hate their neighbors and love people they don’t know. The oligarchs have figured out how to manipulate the average person into voting to be poorer and to hurt their communities.
Yep but if look at it from a logical point of view, they actually hate themselves.They are people with no meaningful purpose in life, which leads to a giant inferiority complex. That is why they always lie about their crowd sizes and their dick sizes.
Might I add that many, many of them have the same backgrounds of failed marriages and unscrupulous business dealings/practices. A deep dive into state circuit court records verifies this in my state.
Trump doesn't give a **** about America and the GOP are more concerned about keeping their seats than helping the people. The mainstream media is afraid of this guy and CEO'S and business owners are afraid that he'll disrupt their bottom line. He and the GOP will fail no matter what it looks like.
The amount of gleeful abandon I see in the evangelical community that raised me is so telling. They’re tired of hiding their blatant bigotry and now it’s in the open. They discovered all they have to do is shrug and say it’s not exactly what we all know it is
They also watch media that enforces those lies. They live in an alternate reality. Sadly these media companies make millions feeding lies to these people who eat it up because it reinforces their hate and anger.
He even hates them…he’s told them he doesn’t care…but they don’t care about that either…it’s beyond the enemy of my enemy is my friend because they don’t truly have enemies…they’ve just been conditioned to think they do
This is the fucking truth. Chuck Schumer isn’t going to save us. It’s up to the people. I live amongst the dumbest Americans and they respond with blunt force to the face, not appeals to their better nature.
The only way they will realise is when they are on the other end of his hate, which hopefully will happen soon. Because all he has is hate , fake hugs for the flag don't count.
They hate the government and they love seeing it torn apart. This is their dream, no matter what it takes. And the more upset we get, the happier they are about liberal tears. I hope they all enjoy the fallout and the harm to our society they voted for. #donotcomply
This right here!!! This is what I’ve been saying since 2016. These people finally found someone who validates their hate, racism, prejudice and they loved him for it.
The thing that baffles me is they think he doesn't hate THEM. He completely does. He's told them he does. The one thing he said that is true and they don't believe it.
But they (Trumpers about "they" refering to everybody and nobody, just imaginative bad people) don't understand half of the consequeses of Orage Agent's politics. Yet.
Welcome to the fourth Reich. They have rebranded Neo Nazism into Christian nationalism. With a huge lump of religion in there to ensure the evangelical’s sign on. Same ideology, same agenda just a different place and time.
Am I naïve to think any of them believe he'll make their lives better with his tariffs & stuff? I was putting it down to stupidity/ignorance, but perhaps I'm fooling myself.
Wow. That has to be it, 'cuz no way so many are so stupid. But I'd rather they were ignorant instead of hateful because ignorance can be cured, not so much hatred.
He's using illusory truth effect which is where if you hear the lie long enough, it becomes the truth. He's also using emotional desensitization, where after you have been exposed to cruelty and hatred long enough, the shock is gone and so is the lack of emotional response from people
B I N G O was his
They were largely un- or ill-informed. Hell, some don't even know ACA and Obama Care is the same thing.
Propaganda and fear mongering did the rest.
They are paranoid.
Then they're shocked when he steals from them.
It’s clear the truth never mattered. This is just a football game to them. The cons just wanna win :/
I think that if someone shot one of his supporters, he would be upset, but deep down not because the person died, but that he lost a supporter.
The love is one way where the people are a means to an end, receiving adoration and being viewed as a "great man".
Racist? Be a Republican!
Hate women so much but can't get them to talk to you? Be a Republican!
I've never seen anything like it, ever.
Call me a conspiracy nut, but I don't care-I often wonder if there's any science to it. Fox=brainwashing? Rallies??
I’m tired :/
Me too