I’m a developer for Nocturne, a custom firmware for the (soon to be ewaste) Spotify Car Thing that restores stock functionality.
We’ve fixed a bunch of bugs, added new features, and we’re hard at work to release 3.0.0 beta, the fully standalone version (no Raspberry Pi).
We’ve fixed a bunch of bugs, added new features, and we’re hard at work to release 3.0.0 beta, the fully standalone version (no Raspberry Pi).
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This is the first feature preparing for 3.0.0, which will let you use your hacked Car Thing with just Bluetooth tethering on your phone, resulting in similar functionality to the stock Car Thing.
- No Pi required
- OTA updates
- Better brightness control
- Select Spotify device
- Account switcher based on connected phone
- Voice controls
*Please note that not all of these may make it in 3.0.0, but are on the roadmap*