Heard so many big companies saying that the perfect game should have a little bit of something for everyone and have no sharp ages that might annoy anyone, the 'four-quadrant game'
I think: Make each game specifically just for the freaks that are freaky for it
The Square Enix cycle of 'Let's Make Deus Ex a Blockbuster!", "Let's Make Thief a Blockbuster!", "Let's Make Hitman a Blockbuster!" and it's like those are freaky games for freaky people, just let them be freaky
I think it’s an age thing. When you’re young, you want every game to be “perfect” with no rough edges. As you get older, you realize perfect is a fallacy and games are masterpieces specifically because they are imperfect. Those flaws give them humanity.
Inquisition is an outlier. Origins and 2 both sold around 3 million in their lifetime, so 1.5 million in 2 months is not bad unless you're only comparing it to the outlier, which EA said themselves far exceeded expectations
So Stellar blade abd Silent Hill 2 are also colossal failures then correct? They've barely sold more but I don't hear you all harping on about them. Regardless, Inquisition was the outlier, and Dragon Age has always been niche.
I dont know anything about stellar blade or silent hill 2🤷♂️ I never even considered stellar blade AAA, seemed like a AA game to me.
But the fact that you are comparing a mostly unknown korean studio and a bloober team remake with a mainline Bioware RPG release kinda proves the point.
This!!! Studio execs, for the love of god, PLEASE make a game that turns off some people. I’d rather play an interesting 10 hour game than a 60 hour slog of busy work.
This, so much this. Games with targeted audiences are so much better than ones that try to court everyone. You can't make everyone happy, and trying tends to make most unhappy.
I think: Make each game specifically just for the freaks that are freaky for it
Are you trying to maximize enjoyment of a particular market segment, or are you trying to maximize market segments PERIOD.
This isn't a situation like square enix being disappointed tomb raider sold 5 mil.
1 million is like the mendoza line for AAA
Im sorry but 1.5 million for a AAA game is a disaster and almost always has been.
Also given that origins was 2009, when the game industry is a fraction of what it is now, only further illustrates that point.
I would've said 3 million was actually a really humble expectation and it couldnt even make half of that? this is a Bioware Game!
like i said, its barely cracking the mendoza line here
But the fact that you are comparing a mostly unknown korean studio and a bloober team remake with a mainline Bioware RPG release kinda proves the point.