To be clear, if you are a person with 4 million dollars to spend on a comic project and you invest that money in a system that takes work away from artists and disincentivizes people from pursuing art professionally rather than in artists to make your comic, YOU are the one gatekeeping art.
He should have invested in, oh, I don't know... art education in low-income schools?
So disappointed in him.
How many public school art programs could he have provided supplies for?
How many How to Draw books could he have bought for Dolly Parton to send out?
Student loans? Tutor fees? Comic kickstarters?
Like, DAMN dude.
But, I'm not him. Maybe he's built different.
There is absolutely no excuse for it. None.
“Democracy” doesn’t mean the people running their government, it means the people helping make a bunch of lawyers rich to do it for them.