Don’t you wonder why the Bible people don’t recognize it? They seem to think that God forgives everything with this guy? On third marriage, multiple affairs, many lawsuits, etc. yet, they would rather stand with him and burn in hell.
Quite a few passages from different books in the Bible come to mind for me too. Maybe they skipped all of those. It was very clear though. Olympic medal in mental gymnastics.
And my favorites Revelation 17-19 where religion is called a prostitute to politicians and rich men who live in “shameless luxury” with her after she declares her husband (Jesus) dead and herself a queen on his throne.
You think that’s good read 2 Thess 2:3-12 where it describes a lawless one is worshiped by many and God abandons them to their fate (Armegeddon) because they love evil more than righteousness and he’s letting them face judgement for it.
It's not factual. There are several areas that are not agreement with the Catholic doctrines. The Bible was written a hundred years after Christ's death. People didn't read or write. Even though we believe there was a man named Jesus who walked on earth.
The bible was written before during & after christ death. It's not going agree with catholic doctrine because the bible isn't based on human standards its based on God standards. People did read and write back then how do you think we get literature in general. What exactly isn't factual to you?
Actually you didn't answer my second question which was "what about the bible that isn't factual to you" but I'm not going to push the issue or force a conversation. You blessed day.
If there are wolf's in sheep's clothing than there must be sheep in wolf's clothing. Good must be discovered from the scary/bad and bad must be revealed no matter how cute it's guise.
“For they wore the mark of the beat upon their forehead” Honestly if they actually read that silly book they’d see he is everything the Bible calls the antichrist.
Me neither but then you jump down the rabbit hole of the book of revelation and realize that the MAGAs wear “the mark” of the Antichrist on their foreheads, that’s when it becomes interesting fictional reading…
What do u think of the fact that it is a Nazi movement in America. Matt Gaetz has Nazis tattoos, and the Bible says the antichrist will go on a Jew killing holocaust spree , after he breaks a treaty with them?
Yes we are, all end time prophecies have come full circle.The end is parallel to the beginning,. Noah’s day before the flood is a picture of our day, same with Sodom and Gomorrah. Prophecy of Romans 1, God is no longer restraining sin in the hearts of men. God bless.
It's the #PedoParty.
Ban books, promote pedos.
The good news is the ‘good’ is also going to get better and be reinforced in people where they are good.
It’s a kind of ‘latter rains’ (I.e. a spirit) thing.
That other side are dicks.
Isaiah 5:20
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12 years in catholic school and not once did we crack open a Bible.
I'm not going to get into a theological discussion.
As far as I'm concerned the discussion has ended.