While I was reading grocery labels, a man piped up, "we have to be diligent and not buy US products." Yes we do.
I bought oranges from Spain, mandarins from Mexico, cheese from Canada and UK, spinach, and kale from Canada. Coffee roasted and packaged in Canada and local eggs.
We can do this!
I bought oranges from Spain, mandarins from Mexico, cheese from Canada and UK, spinach, and kale from Canada. Coffee roasted and packaged in Canada and local eggs.
We can do this!
Although so many of us didn’t vote for Trump, we’re all facing the consequences of his madness.
We’re resisting and thank you for doing the same.
I am sorry all of this is happening.
Keep up the fight. 💪❤️
But we’ll resist. If we fought the Nazis in the 1940’s, we can do it again.
We have been pushed too far this time.
The coffee? We cannot grow coffee beans, neither can the US, but at least roasted and packaged here.
So long as stuff I buy isn't from #USA, I don't care where it's from, but will focus on buying #Canadian from now on
And don't forget to keep your tourism dollars too. I say this from a border town RELIANT on them, 2/3rds MAGA
We don't blow our $$$ on meth, alcohol, guns and ammo, or jacked-up trucks. WE KNOW how to buckle down and survive. MAGA does not.
In Canada you purchased products from the UK.
Instead of next door America.
Britain is achingly desperate to sell its products since it left the single market.
And now the USA has opened up that door for them.
Even though, I suspect, UK cheese is more expensive than USA?
We gladly buy from anywhere but the US.
I have to agree with you. European butter is amazing.
This should not be happening at all.
I am sure we will start to see more coming from other countries.
I am lucky that I can plant a garden. I am going to try some micro tomato plants so maybe I can grow them inside in the winter.
Nice. I will watch out for more Mexican food. They are being bullied by Captain Cheeto too.
Keep at it! 🇨🇮
we have to give up that is vital.
Stay strong. 💪
He was smart, spot on and clear about who it is that is 100% responsible for the situation. Presented facts, a plan of action and patriotism for Canada and compassion for the American people in general.
That's what ya call COMPETENT LEADERSHIP.
We know who to blame for this mess.
Keep up the good fight. 💪
They are afraid of losing votes.
We can read.