But but but, it's 'tradition'?! Lol.
It's largely contrived colonialist and commercialised nonsense, actually. #InvasionDay
It's largely contrived colonialist and commercialised nonsense, actually. #InvasionDay
Anyhow Jan 26 is when colony of NSW was founded, so it should be NSW Day if anything (apologies to our indigenous brothers and sisters).
So all you VICs and QLDers etc, GET YOUR OWN FKN DAY !! #auspol
Those who insist we can't change the date are the ones who really don't care about the date. They only care about being against things that are important to other people (that they don't like).
So, just when is Easter this year?
(though we do need an end of January public hol just so we know the new year really has started)