I'd love to think that ever more accurate estimates of the $ value of nature would lead to greater awareness of its importance, & importantly, drive increased protection.
But then I look at the Great Barrier Reef shit show https://theconversation.com/coral-bleaching-is-not-only-heartbreaking-its-also-bad-economics-237468
But then I look at the Great Barrier Reef shit show https://theconversation.com/coral-bleaching-is-not-only-heartbreaking-its-also-bad-economics-237468
One day, I'll find out where this $ fetish for nature came from.
Those who have been trained to see only $ value, whose wealth depends on them only seeing $ value, will never actually believe the $ value of nature. They will never act as though nature has $ worth.
We have to change what and how we see value
For many, including you and I, it's priceless, of course.