10. Give Ireland Back to the Irish
Only #PaulMcCartney could write a protest song about Bloody Sunday including the line "Great Britain, you are tremendous!" Still, it did get banned by the BBC. The live versions have a certain "pub closing time" charm.
Only #PaulMcCartney could write a protest song about Bloody Sunday including the line "Great Britain, you are tremendous!" Still, it did get banned by the BBC. The live versions have a certain "pub closing time" charm.
Another highlight of 'Tug of War', I love that Paul does his Noel Coward/Admiral Halsey voice again. Oasis based their entire career on the opening bars.
Another one I'd somehow not really heard much. I probably assumed it was one of Paul's Scottish farmyard ditties rather than a stomping rocker.
As with a lot of Wings, this sounds even better live than the original studio recording, and this One Hand Clapping version is a riot!
The seed from which #McCartney III grew. Recorded in 1992, about 1970, and finished in 2020 just as the world went into lockdown. It's a simple but beautiful melody, and an elegy for simplicity and normality in a frightening and uncertain world. A gift.
I like this one a lot. It's the kind of song Paul could have done at any point in his career, and it would not be out of place on any of his solo albums. Reminds me a bit of those quotidian songs like 'Another Day' and 'Average Person'.
Dramatic, explosive, and even a bit funny, perfectly summing up Roger Moore's debut film. This is the best Bond theme, the best Bond theme as a song in itself, and one of the best stadium rock songs ever. An ever-present in Paul's setlist, as it undeniably should be.