You’re a smarter man than me but you’ve got it in the wrong order.
It should be Media (drive the messaging constantly 24-7 n the media like an incessant, non-stop jackhammer); then the economy (personal>local>national); and in a very distant third almost silent place, culture.
You nailed the first section on economics. But your answer on culture (to refuse to answer questionnaires on trans issues) is very disturbing. How would that play out in reality? Interviewer: "Should transgender people have equal rights to healthcare?" Candidate: "I refuse to answer the question."
Yes, Harris fumbled that question and the republicans got a huge clip to play in their transphobic ads. But if she had responded with an ad that said "I support equal rights for Americans, regardless of their gender or sexuality" people would have respected her more.
A fine article...I remember WV when it was cobalt blue(!) & voting for a Republican was unimaginable: it could be that way again [sooner than people think] but we need louder loudmouths to show that Trump is crushing American workers and giving their birthright to crooked foreign billionaires.
It's all about the media. Donald Trump went to McDonalds. Harris's answer to that? crickets. Democrats need to change their consultant line ups. David Plouffe hasn't won anything since Obama and is out of touch.
It should be Media (drive the messaging constantly 24-7 n the media like an incessant, non-stop jackhammer); then the economy (personal>local>national); and in a very distant third almost silent place, culture.
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