Walmart caved to anti - #DEI bullies.
Costco stayed strong.
Costco Board told bigoted shareholders they could shove their 'anti-woke' proposal where the sun don't shine.
Shop at #Costco ➡️
Costco stayed strong.
Costco Board told bigoted shareholders they could shove their 'anti-woke' proposal where the sun don't shine.
Shop at #Costco ➡️
Use your pocketbook to show these people who you support. It's the only thing these people understand, the loss of revenue and their stock value dropping.
Shop at #Costco
I think you'd be hard-pressed to find many Walmart employees below management level who would voice similar sentiments.
It may be time to change shopping at Walmart as much as people can.
Going cheaper (cost) has made them richer but at what cost to us?
And well..
$1.50 hotdogs and soda deal.
"Despite making $6.3 billion in profits last year, [COSTCO] seems to be shifting from its once pro-worker stance. Allegations of union-busting tactics, like removing union literature & locking union reps out of bulletin boards, aren't exactly a good look."
I don’t give my money to Oligarchs who do not pay taxes and treat employees like slaves.
I will help small businesses to grow instead.