I have been thinking about a Kracauer inspired project From Marvel to Musk about the rise of neofascism but then I’d have to watch all the Marvel films. The only way that may happen is if I take enough transatlantic flights.
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I've had this thought many times and I really can't be bothered. It also feels somehow masturbatory as a project? It's obviously apt, but is this what we're reduced to? I think it can be encapsulated in a meme where Musk is wearing Iron Man's helmet and we can call it a day.
Yeah, I had the thought it was something best done collectively. The idea is more or less a transcription of what's evident, at least at first blush. I think where the interest would lie is in the structures of production, the specificities of the collaborations with the military, industry, etc.
We may have a different perspective on self-pleasure. One would have to rejig the teleological aspects of Kracauer's Caligari and amp up the historiographic perspective and that would be fun. Ditto figuring out the primary sources (but reading Mencius Moldbug: yikes). I have books I _want_ to write!
The fascist aesthetics of AI art and the eroticism of the 11th finger would have to be part of all of this, but yeah, I'm thinking it might be more fun to build a barricade. We can just press print on this exchange, add it to our cvs, and call it a day.
If you like them, that's okay. You may not be a fascist. But to the extent I have seen them and who / what they celebrate and how they are produced, they build an aesthetic structure for fascism.
I have been thinking about this! The nefarious corrupt government agents/leaders that plucky Avengers come for in a spectacle of state architecture blowing up is so disconcerting to watch right now.