Her little sister, not so little anymore.
"I've missed you, too, little sister mine. You've grown so well, and so beautifully." Ratatoskr complimented as she withdrew from her hug, checking out Azdaja's form. "But... what are you doing here, in Radz at Han?" she curiously inquired.
"I've missed you, too, little sister mine. You've grown so well, and so beautifully." Ratatoskr complimented as she withdrew from her hug, checking out Azdaja's form. "But... what are you doing here, in Radz at Han?" she curiously inquired.
The Au’ra took Ratatoskr’s hands in her own again. “Why are you here?”
Where could she start? Azdaja's question was so simple, and yet, it made the older sister nervous. "Azdaja... you aren't... skeptical of me?" Ratatoskr asked, her hands still held with her sister's. "You don't wonder how it is that I stand, though I have long passed...?"
“I should not be here either by all accounts and yet here I stand before you too.”