As Chewbacca would say, "Grrr-oooohhh! Rrrrhhhhh oooourrrhh oaths! Urrroowwwr Section 3, 14th Amendment! Hrrrraaaaah disqualified insurrectionist donald j. trump! Grrr-ooowww!"
Let's also make sure to collect information regarding procedures and determine what our options are for the next two weeks. (OODA Loop, "Observe") Other than that, we can continue contacting Congress to make sure they block Trump's nominees.
Regardless of how Congress acted today, your work represents the people much more. Thank you so much for all you have done and what you may continue to do.
I don't see how Rump can be sworn in when he will also have been sentenced on Jan. 10th. He'll be a convicted felon. Maybe he is this...1/
THANKS to everyone who showed up and showed your support for the Rule of Law & the United States Constitution. In the end, WE will prevail because the truth and righteousness is on our side
Yes, the term "Washingtonians" included Dems, but not just specifically Dems, because there are MANY republicans who, after Jan 6, at one point or another over the last four years have ALSO condemned trump, but they TOO recently refused to back up their words.
I was not trying to speak for you. I was trying to correct you because I believe you're going down the wrong path. But frankly there's no one who can talk to people like you so I really don't give a shit what you think.
You literally tried to specify FOR me that I was talking specifically about "Dems".
But thank you for your assistance in my not having to talk with one more person these days who "thinks" their reality is correct when it obviously isn't. 😉
Congress ignored it and I’m ashamed. Every single elected official violated their oath. As of today, the constitution means shit. Might as well use it as toilet paper. #Disgusted
Fact: The 14th Amendment Section 3 was self-executing when first passed. Fact: Those insurrectionists who violated their oath that sought to return to federal government office required a 2/3rd vote of both the House and Senate to serve again. Disqualification is the default & SCOTUS knows.
Apathy? There was no apathy on the 6th. They were clapping and grinning like it was their grandfather's 99th birthday. And they handed him the presidency on a silver platter, thus becoming insurrectionists and criminals in the process. They're just as bad as the nazis.
Hey Jessica! Proud of you! Only out there with the eye what's a fact! Unfortunately it seems like business are going ahead as scheduled. Cause the elite doesn't give a shit. As a Norwegian it's horrifying to see our democratic elected leaders sucking up to Trump. Despite he is everything we hate.
Clark County Nv
Maricopa County Az
Wake County NC
Dane County Wisconsin
please contact this guy his group is following evidence of hacking.. or you know anyone in those areas
Those who had no intentions of upholding their oaths to the U.S. Constitution detected a disturbance on the 4th.
And then the disturbance became a Death Star overhead on January Sith!
Let's also make sure to collect information regarding procedures and determine what our options are for the next two weeks. (OODA Loop, "Observe") Other than that, we can continue contacting Congress to make sure they block Trump's nominees.
I don't see how Rump can be sworn in when he will also have been sentenced on Jan. 10th. He'll be a convicted felon. Maybe he is this...1/
I will continue to check your bsky account.
I imagine you still need donations to cover expenses already incurred. Let people know.
I will say i am sad to see what's happened today + the last 2mo.
I've left you a comment on a video of yours that i hope may potentially interest you.
Modern day Washingtonians are cowards.
Yes, the term "Washingtonians" included Dems, but not just specifically Dems, because there are MANY republicans who, after Jan 6, at one point or another over the last four years have ALSO condemned trump, but they TOO recently refused to back up their words.
But thank you for your assistance in my not having to talk with one more person these days who "thinks" their reality is correct when it obviously isn't. 😉
If so what is taking so long?
🛑⌚️ 15 MINUTES
Sadly too many others only show cowardice.
Apparently our democracy dies in apathy. As does the Democratic Party.