Any time someone says that New York is a "woke bubble" or something to that effect, just point to Adams and Hochul. Yes, it's a solid Dem state but many elected officials from there are not "woke"; they are moderate at the very least and not in the good sense.
People need only walk around in upstate, central NY to know this isn’t a woke bubble. I live in NY-21 and you wouldn’t be able to tell difference between us and MS-2 during an election cycle.
I certainly don't mean this in a bad way, I should add. Of course New York is a better or safer place to live if you're a minority or LGBT. But the right who say that NY is woke and "out of touch" from "real Americans"... what they mean is obvious. Reality is more complex, however.
For such a big, important city and such a big, important state, New York City and the State of New York have consistently elected extraordinary mediocrities as their mayors and governors.