Trump and Johnson both suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It's no wonder Johnson is so in thrall to King Donny. Johnson has destroyed the Tory party and Trump is well on the way to destroying the US. The end of empire is upon us.
“All in the Trump Tank to one degree or another; none capable of summoning the gumption, decency, or courage to note what’s good for Trump might not be good for the world, for Britain or even, heaven help us, for the Conservative & Unionist party. As exercises in moral hygiene go, this one stinks”👏
Yes, but there appear to also be some usually pretty ghastly Tories (like Dan Hodges and Daniel Hannan) coming out pretty unequivocally on Ukraine's side which complicates the picture. They are not yet explicitly against Trump, but it is hard to see how they can remain his cheerleaders
Go for it Badenoch.
What a shite charlatan he is.