Was this some kind of a joke? She found herself standing inside the cell that she was given. Her hand had been momentarily up from the moment it disappeared, and slowly lowered it as she looked around her cell. And eventually heard the voice that called out to them.
She did not say anything in--
She did not say anything in--
It would do her no good to panic and freak out, from what she could see, there was no way out of this cell. And trying to escape with force might just gain-
The Bounty Hunter would step to the centre of her cage, and simply choose to sit down on the floor as she waited. There was no choice but to wait on what this 'Master' had planned for them.
Was she going to talk to the others? Probably not--
Then perhaps it would be best to not build too close a relationship, despite their shared situation.
That's when she started looking around to the other cells, though. Glancing to check what--
A short man in a moustache.
Some type of pointed eared warrior...with old weapons.
A pair of pink...things. One looked more like a creature, the other like some sort of living bubblegum...
A strange looking mouse and...
A child???
She furrowed her brows.
What sort of--
She did not like it.
For now, she remained sat where she was...
Heavy, slow thuds of glassy footsteps echoed through the hall as something began making its rounds. One of the creatures passed by Samus’ cell. It stopped briefly and… “looked” at her through the bars. A faceless, animate construct of crystal composed of flat shapes…