Nine Sols!!!! Probably my favorite game of the year!!!! The music! the characters!! the storyyy 😭 and of course the fantastic parry based combat that just feels like dancing when you get in the rhythm!!!! it's so so so good and satisfying and I love this game so much 😭😭😭
'I Saw the TV Glow' absolutely emotionally gutted me and I haven't stopped thinking about it ever since watching it! I just sat in the theater trying to sob quietly while the credits rolled aaaaa 10/10 movie
cheating a bit because neither Monk and Robot book were released this year, but it was my first read of them and they had such genuinely kind and gentle writing ;u; lovely, lovely novellas
Flow!! Ohhh what a joy of a movie!!! Gorgeous animation, fantastic slow and thoughtful pacing, and I'm always down for a movie with no dialogue! I kept tearing up because it was so lovely ;u; (also the scene with the cat and secretary bird on top of the tower ouggghg absolutely gorgeous)
Look Back 😭 when I first read the one shot of this a few years ago it emotionally wrecked me. getting to watch the film in theaters with the director commentary after was so amazing, and also emotionally wrecked me.
Echoes of Wisdom was just such a fun and charming time!!! I enjoyed the game so much and it was really nice playing a new top down zelda game :D favorite dungeons were the faron and lanayru temples