Been a few months, gonna refresh my gaming #promosky if anyone new wants to be moots.
-Smash Ultimate
-Dragon Quest
-Final Fantasy
-Fire Emblem
-Phoenix Wright
-Monster Hunter
-Gravity Rush
-Smash Ultimate
-Dragon Quest
-Final Fantasy
-Fire Emblem
-Phoenix Wright
-Monster Hunter
-Gravity Rush
Also if you like Danganronpa, have you tried Master Detective Raincode? That one is also pretty good too!
I haven't seen much of Raincode but I will definitely look into it
Splatoon 2's Octo expansion DLC was my favorite (if that counts) since it added much needed variety to the single player, expanded on the lore, & gave more depth to Pearl /Marina.
And I'm still relatively new to FE, I've only played 3H and Engage, but I played a lot of the mobile game, and the spin offs. I actually really love Tokyo Mirage Sessions!
Thankfully, the game is cross play from what I've read!
Just playing any rhythm games on Vita felt so much better cause the buttons felt more springy so it was easier to hit some of those tougher note charts imo.
final fantasy
Not sure if you meant game or actual Pokemon, but:
Favorite game? Prolly either Legends Arceus, or the Gen 2 remakes.
Favorite Pokemon? Swablu/Altaria!
My personal favorite is Zoroak because it reminds me of my girlfriend