No. I'm in my 60s. I don't think I've ever felt as hopeless about this franchise as now. We have no assets to improve. We are limited in free agency by the apron. No one wants Beal, Durant won't go. We're stuck with this mess for three more years, then have no top picks to rebuild. It's an abyss.
That's a crazy question, but I sure hope so I'm not getting any younger. I got a lot of problems with these sons. If they don't finally win a championship, hopefully, it'll be in the next ten years
Honestly no. This team has such an annoying habit of chasing trends years after they've passed (super teams for recent example) and sacrificing chemistry for name recognition (The Twins for KD for recent example)
Best shot we had was the Steve Nash era and none of those teams ever made a finals
Nope. I was 5 when my dad took me to the very first Suns game. They won that game and i should have quit when I was ahead. Every since then I have been Charlie Brown and the Suns have been Lucy holding the football.
I became a fan when I was 9 during the ‘76 championship series. 58 now and don’t have any confidence the current ownership has a clue about building a cohesive team. Forget a championship, I’d settle for a team that plays hard and is fun to watch right now honestly.
I've been a fan since I was 5 in 1976. It feels like it will never happen. Everyone who puts on the uniform wears that 57 years of futility. I don't even know what they should do anymore.
I'm going to write a song (a really sad one) called "I've Got the 3rd Quarter F*cking Blues. They can play it as the team comes out of the tunnel after halftime.
Best shot we had was the Steve Nash era and none of those teams ever made a finals