You may be looking to pundits to tell you where all this is going.
Well, I have not a clue, other than US is nearing a constitutional crisis.
And if so: nobody can know what will happen next.
For that is the nature of any genuine crisis: it is a situation the outcome of which cannot be foreseen.
Well, I have not a clue, other than US is nearing a constitutional crisis.
And if so: nobody can know what will happen next.
For that is the nature of any genuine crisis: it is a situation the outcome of which cannot be foreseen.
All sorts of things can happen: some of which may not be to the liking to Trump/Musk; some not to the liking of any sane person; or even nothing dramatic at all - just a silent slow implosion.
Those of the 1630s to 1660, 1680s to 1746, 1919-23 and 1969-98 (the “troubles”) were bloody affairs.
Those of 1828-32 and 1909-11 resolved themselves when one “side” backed down.
That is what a ‘crisis’ is: nobody knows the outcome.
Mere constitutional drama is often predictable in its ultimate outcome, but not a crisis.
There could now be a fireworks display.
Or there could be a fireworks display with an eerie lack of fireworks.
And sometimes, like revolutions, crises devour those who bring them about.
But, alas, sometimes crises strengthen their begetters.
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The only positive thing I can say is that in human affairs, Hubris will always tend to meet Nemesis.
But it can take a long time.