"Oopsie" - the word that means the United States has now tipped into a constitutional crisis
The US federal government disregards a court order and jokes about it on social media
By me
Personal blog:
"Oopsie" - the word that means the United States has now tipped into a constitutional crisis
The US federal government disregards a court order and jokes about it on social media
By me
Personal blog:
The times, they keep getting more interesting, unfortunately.
Just goes to show how checks and balances are in themselves quite flimsy shields when people of poor character rise to the top.
Reminds me of Games of Thrones when Cersei laughs at Ned Stark for thinking a piece of paper gave him any authority or protection.
So, the courts have alternatives to the US Marshalls if the executive prevents them from actions.
I worry that this situation could escalate to factional violence if the courts are forced to delegate enforcement of their judgment.
So when he avers that the US is in a "constitutional crisis", take it seriously.
Thank you.
I do not know how I could have explained it any more clearly or accurately.
The re-post means the joke is appreciated and shared by the Secretary of State.
This time around, when you have complete and total control of The Supreme Court, no other courts matter.
If a judge goes against the federal government, all they will say is that the judge is wrong and carry on regardless, retweeting ‘Oopsie’ as they go.”
You missed a prime opportunity to use this gif.