As the shite that 47 is kicking up, Canada is electing a new Liberal leader on Sunday and a Federal election to follow.
CON-SERVE-ative Pukey Pierre Po-LIE-vre is a Trump wanna be, and refuses to get a security clearance.
He cannot be 😡 Canads's PM!
CON-SERVE-ative Pukey Pierre Po-LIE-vre is a Trump wanna be, and refuses to get a security clearance.
He cannot be 😡 Canads's PM!
The reason he can control him, is because he has something on him and that something is probably stopping PP from getting a security clearance.
It's not rocket science, which apparently Elon is bad at.
This is exactly what it is, and he's using it for exactly those purposes.
Until the world starts standing up, expect it to worsen.
Unless they don't mind being an economic hostage.