Yes! More family tree: Cheryl Stansbury was his bio mother, her sister Tiffany, was married to Shawn the WSB head who always called Felicia, Princess. Cheryl dated Robert too. Storyline history: Paternity questioned turned out to be Julian who may have been presumed dead then or soon after. 1/2
Bobbie as a single mother originally illegally adopted him from a baby broker. Then it was discovered he was Cheryl's baby when he was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. There was a weird scene prior to diagnosis where Cheryl knew to give him something for his blood sugar b/c of her family history
Tony Jones, Frisco's brother, Maxie's uncle. I always forget Maxie is not related to the Spencers except that Bobbie was her aunt by marriage and Felicia and Bobbie were so close.
Adoptive family is everyone related to Bobbie and Luke, including his wives and children. He knew them as a child.
Biological family is everyone related to Julian Jerome. Surprise!
This I remember. My computer password? No idea.