It's a white women's job to talk to other white women. If over half of our population is voting for a rapist, that's a pretty big problem, and not one a black woman should have to deal with.
White women tanked HRC too. Not saying racism isn’t there regarding Harris but I believe a larger issue is internalized oppression—“how dare she have all that success and power when I had nothing!”
When Kamala took over the nomination, I said if this country won't elect a white woman why the fvck would we believe we could elect a black woman no matter how qualified.
That’s part of religion’s teaching, that the woman should be subservient to the man of the house. She is there to make him a loving home and raise the children. Any woman who lives like that today is an idiot.
I think there's some jealousy involved, but I don't believe it's the primary reason. I believe she lost because "she." A lot of older voters still believe a "man" should be in charge. If the women of the world actually united, I think they'd wipe the floor with the men currently fucking things up.
That’s what I think too.There are women who have taken backseat, man is head of house, bosses were always male, doctors were male, and I think this is so deep down in them, it’s too late for them to see women as powerful, intelligent, and capable.THEY were always told/treated like they weren’t.
There are still many areas of the US where women are living in information deserts and undereducated. They have no idea how smart they are, or what they could accomplish, because being "not enough" is so deeply ingrained. We need to reach them so we can teach them how amazing they really are.
Yes, exactly. White women dislike one another. There was an episode on Black–ish years ago that addressed this issue. Black women form sisterhoods whereas white women are envious of each other. I've never experienced sisterhood in my life, not even from my own sisters.
Or white man, latinos, muslims who were duped! But we need some honest truths, however much they might hurt some feelings. This is where we stand! These are the facts! No threading gently into the dark. But let white women reach out!
No we need to own this and address this. To center ourselves saying 'not me' is as useless as the 'not all men' reply guys. White women fscked up and we need to do the work to do better. A whole lotta assumptions were made and we were complacent.
Nope, you centering yourself & thinking they mean you when they talk about WW, so with your hurt feefees you lash out “but I’m one of the good ones”. 🙄
Just stop, just like posts abt men doing bad stuff doesn’t mean all, neither does stating that 53% WW voted for fascism. Until it’s none, it’s all.
I wrote my response while I still had someone’s reply in my head. They had said that NO white woman could be trusted and that ALL white women should suffer. That hateful rhetoric is not helpful and that’s why we need to stick together. It has nothing to do with my feelings. Women must stick together
I respectfully disagree. It’s time for us to work together and stop focusing on genders and colors and anything else that separates us. It’s when we work together, shit gets done. We should be a united force against evil
Oh blah blah. Black women have EVERY right to say all that at this point. Black women have spent their whole lives pushing back against white supremacy/patriarchy. While white women have largely spent their lives sucking up to both “to keep their standing”. You go confront racism with white people.
No we’re not. We’re going to let people get what they want. We are tired of saving everyone while ALSO being last in line for everything. We are focusing on taking care of ourselves. We CANNOT defeat half of white women, 75% of white men, and 40% of Latinos.. we aren’t magical negros, we’re humans
Are you insinuating Black women, who 92% voted Democrat are lacking brain cells, because from where I’m standing it looks like they voted in the interests of white women and white women voted in the interests of their white sons.
We don’t get to sit by passively as “good white women”
when clearly white women are the problematic ones.
America has always been, and with your help will continue to be a white supremacy nation unless WE white women are willing to lay it all on the line against it.
It is inextricably linked to patriarchal capitalism and oppression.
It’s time for us to risk our lives and stop asking those who have already been oppressed to do the labor.
Just like men have to participate in ending patriarchy by confronting men
White supremacy MUST be confronted by white bodies
Don’t call out black women online. Call out white women
The moms at your kids schools, girlfriends, neighbors on wine Friday
WW don’t want to make waves. WW don’t want to make a scene. WW want to keep the peace.
Not you? You know who it is. Tell them.
Just stop, just like posts abt men doing bad stuff doesn’t mean all, neither does stating that 53% WW voted for fascism. Until it’s none, it’s all.
Not even a little bit.
This is on white people to resolve now.
See it as women of color understanding they will have to be a BIG part of the rescue efforts.
They're strategizing!
We don’t get to sit by passively as “good white women”
America has always been, and with your help will continue to be a white supremacy nation unless WE white women are willing to lay it all on the line against it.
It is inextricably linked to patriarchal capitalism and oppression.
I'm a white guy who voted for Harris but have no problem saying that white guys are destroying this fucking country