Veni, Vidi, Vichy
The GOP has blitzkrieged its way to Washington and Le Grand Orange is looking more like Marshal Pétain each day. The left may cry “Vive la #résistance” but the right is singing “Thank heaven for little girls.”
by Maureen Dowd
The GOP has blitzkrieged its way to Washington and Le Grand Orange is looking more like Marshal Pétain each day. The left may cry “Vive la #résistance” but the right is singing “Thank heaven for little girls.”
by Maureen Dowd
And now I've got Maurice Chevalier singing that damn song stuck in my head.
(When we first met my now-wife called Maurice Chevalier a denture-clacking lecher. I knew she was the one!)
by Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Swan
If you can afford it, retire now