Alito Shuffle
Slow dancer Sam thought they were all alone when he asked Donald for a favor on the lowdown. But this corrupt administration seems more Boss Tweed than Boz Scaggs.
by Maureen Dowd
Slow dancer Sam thought they were all alone when he asked Donald for a favor on the lowdown. But this corrupt administration seems more Boss Tweed than Boz Scaggs.
by Maureen Dowd
Maybe you’re in way above your head!
Might burn, might upset you…
But you know I’ll never let you down!
ONE MORE VOTE DEAL should get that boat.... for the road
It's hard to imagine a day in the life of Meta without a little help from Trump’s friends. But after fixing a hole on the board with Dana White, bad boy Mark thinks it's finally getting better. Being for the benefit of Mr. Trump!
by Maureen Dowd