This is why Shitler is the perfect appellation. Also worthwhile to note that many fascists governments were bad at governing, they usually come in a time when the economy is already in tatters, and look goid by comparison. Hitler got elected precisely because there was nowhere to go but up.
But if you dig into the rise of the Nazis, there were a ton of missteps, ego trips and petty jealousies. Hitler spent a shit ton of time sleeping until the afternoon and then bored his captive audience up in the Berghof until the wee hours. Even incompetence can be deadly.
This is what I’ve been thinking the last couple days.
That and Hitler capitalized on a nationalistic sense of victim hood from the terms of the 1918 armistice. Woke and DEI is hardly making MAGA the victims they think it is, and they are not a majority.
When the Fash marched on Rome, Il Duce, being so heroic, stayed home. When the march was successful, he insisted that a train to Rome left on time. So, he did make 1 train run on time.
I’m not convinced that most Americans know it was never more than a joke. I could swear I read it in a history textbook growing up (which might be a comment on Texas public schools)
“If we throw around the word ‘fascist’ to refer to seizing absolute control of all government agencies and punishing those that don’t like it, then the word loses all meaning.”
Germans were misled by a populist who promised a basic amount for their needs. They got full lunch pails. Then they turned in their neighbors.
Why is edolf offering possible BUI checks?
That and Hitler capitalized on a nationalistic sense of victim hood from the terms of the 1918 armistice. Woke and DEI is hardly making MAGA the victims they think it is, and they are not a majority.
Ever heard of Godwin’s law?
You can hate the speeches or him, but you can’t hate both.
His speeches were aimed squarely at issues where the public was with Adolf-- and filled with made-for-sharing moments.
A master image-maker at work
by Chris Cillizza