All while these fascists stack the deck in their favor. Elections in the future will resemble Russia. A dog and pony show with a pre determined winner.
Speaking of book tours, has provided the activated Democratic Party base a set of alternative protest locations from
And not only a few - oh no, they learned their lesson.
It has to be constant visits to sports shows, tech bro events, Nazi rallies, Fox, and ideally - Rogan and Bannon every other week 💆🏼♂️
I hope they fight for a minimum wage of 12 dollars an hour by the year 2750 by laying down on the floor and wagging their little tail with their belly up so the fascists can scratch it.
It has to be constant visits to sports shows, tech bro events, Nazi rallies, Fox, and ideally - Rogan and Bannon every other week 💆🏼♂️