Product of AM talk radio through the 90s. You had Limbaugh, Bill O Hannity, Smerconish. Basically punk assholes. Everyone knows Nazi media is almost all media.Then repeat. But the people are more progressive. When the shit hits the fan, right wing idiots are dying confused.
Since the invention of the printing press, first, the church, then the state and now men and women with such wealth they are sovereign and every time the narrative spewing from those who tell the tale is that poor people must fight and die in wars to secure the honour of a life of unrewarded Labour.
Trust in the media is at all time lows and serious people think that the news industry is filled with cadres of Maoists. This is why we the media should change and include more rightwing oped columnists.
But if those said journalists can find nothing to criticise the Republicans for,they would not be journalists but propagandists. Proper reporters criticise both sides. Unlike say Fox who could watch Trump drown a cat and say he was protecting mice.
What stops left wing parties for publishing their own 60 SECONDS daily videos on social media addressing current affairs?
It's easier to blame the game, than to put effort into beating it! . Social media is free, a 60 second daily tiktok seems to be too complex for left wing parties. Pathetic!
Plenty of left-leaning (aka fact-based) posts are shared daily. They’re not boosted by algorithms.
Biggest obstacle for the left is - We’re FACT BASED!
*A lie travels the globe twice before the truth ties its shoes.
Lies get algorithmic advantage because lies sell ads, right #FoxLies?
If you want to read basically what's going on here, read The Guardian or The I (eye ).if you want Fox news in print form, most of the others. Mail, Express, Telegraph.
If you're looking for politicians to tell you about Brexit, you're not looking in the right place. They have next to no clue. Here's a good place to start, you can look up individuals
If you're looking for economics based info, look up garyseconomics on YouTube.
The fact that the right has such a foothold on the media landscape is precisely why it’s ridiculous to suggest that Harris lost because she had nothing to offer voters. She offered plenty. The media just blocked it out.
Exactly, and Trump and his influencers had your years to push lies and plant seeds in people’s heads to focus on false narratives! Harris didn’t have a chance to respond to all the lies! We have to get ahead of these lies and get on butts on the platforms now!
It is indeed everywhere and beyond annoying. Turn on my Google TV and in the "suggested" area across the top is always something on Trump and another from Fox. Go to Google and type "Jo" and the first or near the top is Joe Rogan. There's nothing like this from the left.
Agreed but the Democrats have done little for working people allowing Trump through the front door. Watched an interview with an elderly guy in Pennsylvania just after result. ‘Biden sent millions in weapons to Ukraine and Israel to massacre children, but what has he done for us?’
The US is deeply, deeply, deeply misogynistic. A president can have any number of backgrounds, including shyster and crook; but female is a step too far.
Alternative theory, the dem party keeps offering the same person but just with a different skin suit. Pro capitalism/billionaire, pro Israel, neoliberalism that destroyed working class America ghouls. Always the lesser of two evils since 2000. Until you reconcile this you'll continue struggling. 🤷♂️
Until #Liberals realize that Neoliberals are just 1980's Republicans who don't mind if you're black, gay and Jewish, they'll continue to lose or barely eek out a win but with no mandate. You cannot live in a capitalist hellscape and not address material concerns. This effects mainstreet USA as well.
We live in a capitalist system the media benefits from. Fascism will always come to the defense of capitalism. Until there’s no longer a profit motive to lie or cover things up (or the Fairness Doctrine), the media will always chase the money regardless of what it does to the country.
Do you think there are no motives to lie/cover things up beyond profit? Have you ever MET any humans? FFS, people lie constantly on social media and don't make a billionth of a cent!
(And the FD didn't prevent lying. It meant you had to provide some (very limited) access to *different* lies.)
Sure it’s true that Reagan and Republicans abolished the Fairness Doctrine and currently threaten to arrest anyone in media opposed to their fascist narrative, but to many it feels as though most journalists look like Yasser Arafat and Jane Fonda had a baby.
Republicans in Texas continue to blame all of our problems on Democrats despite having complete control of the state for 3 decades.
They are not the smartest folk
Take heart… we are hearing each other
Proceeds to show fascist bias in mainstream media.
By AG Sulzberger
It's easier to blame the game, than to put effort into beating it! . Social media is free, a 60 second daily tiktok seems to be too complex for left wing parties. Pathetic!
Plenty of left-leaning (aka fact-based) posts are shared daily. They’re not boosted by algorithms.
Biggest obstacle for the left is - We’re FACT BASED!
*A lie travels the globe twice before the truth ties its shoes.
Lies get algorithmic advantage because lies sell ads, right #FoxLies?
Will look into the I, thanks! #lookintotheEYE
Topics I care about = Brexit and it's impact on the entire economy and subsequently forcing the hand of the government in raising taxes to fill gaps.
The cost of Brexit is felt every day!
If you're looking for economics based info, look up garyseconomics on YouTube.
"New York Times editor Joe Kahn says defending democracy is a partisan act and he won’t do it"
"New York Times in 1922: "Hitler's anti-Semitism was not so genuine""
The US is deeply, deeply, deeply misogynistic. A president can have any number of backgrounds, including shyster and crook; but female is a step too far.
(And the FD didn't prevent lying. It meant you had to provide some (very limited) access to *different* lies.)
“Shocking New Revelations Expose How Corrupt Democrats Illegally Allowed The GOP To Become The Pro-Sex Trafficking Party!”
They are not the smartest folk