“Many Swedish cities, including Stockholm, prioritize snow clearance very differently. They now clear walkways & bike paths first, especially those near bus stops & primary schools. Next, they clear local roads, & then, finally, highways.” Via @usa.streetsblog.org
Can you imagine UCP/CPC (already working towards municipal 'parties') 'allowing' their chosen municipal councillors currently prioritizing vehicular traffic, to 1st clean sidewalks here?
... might have been a coincidence, because they were very quick on the road, too. But still, they're there and they're quick about it!
Often when the pavement is cleared first, the snow from the road is then cleared onto the pavement/bike path. They don't clear pavements 2nd time.
They don't clear them "first." They clear them more *frequently* than they have in the past.
Snow clearing is a continous process, as snow doesn't fall all at once. It takes time to build up. And road clearing is arguably still the priority, even here.